Problematic Skin Treatment Regime

My brother has the same problem with his skin as other members of the family. We have problematic skin. Prone to spots (and scarring). Nice!

Well he recently came home after finishing uni and well to put it nicely, it wasn't looking its best. He had let it slip while concentrating on his final year projects and as he is a man, he wasn't that bothered about how his face now looked. 

It looked awful. Angry, sore and gross. Mum and I knew sometime needed to be done. Not only because we didn't want to look at it, we were worried that other people who didn't know him and what I lovely person he is might judge him but his appearance. Anyway!

We put our "Get His face sorted" plan into action.

As I've been getting  into my skincare recently I decided what he needed to do rather than go down the line of GP's and medicines again (hes has topical and oral antibiotics for his acne already) and possibly stronger medicine such as Roaccutane (which both Mum and I have had a course of back in the day. It did nothing for our mum but really helped my skin. I think it would be as bad if not at great deal worse than my brothers if I haven't had it 9 years ago).

We told him he needed to cleanse (wash in simple terms) his face twice a day with actual cleanser. His comment was " but I rub some of the lather from my shampoo on my face while I'm in the shower...". !!! That is why you have spots! 

Strict cleansing morning and night commenced. He was using my clarisonic Mia twice a day with the La Roche Posay Foaming cleanser on it. But we decided this was perhaps too harsh and reduced it to once a day.

After cleansing and rinsing, he applied La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo to his worse spots, and sometimes a thing layer everywhere else.

A photo of my tube of La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo

The other day his skin was looking very angry again so I suggested he try my new cleanser. The REN ClearCalm 3 Anti-Blemish Clay Cleanser. After he used it twice (once at night, and once in the morning) his face looked much improved! Calm and as if the spots were going to go away. 

So that's the story so far, but it really it helping his skin. It's just going to be a case of persevering and him just keep cleansing! We will win the battle!


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