YSL Rouge Volupte Shine Lipstick #5 Fuschia in Excess

I have been lusting after a high end lipstick for a while now. I'm not quite sure why. Perhaps because with my new job I am finding myself wearing lipstick on a daily basis rather than my old faithful my Burt's bees lip balm. It's actually really nice to wear some colour on my lips for a change. 

I have never felt very confident wearing a bold lip colour for a few reasons. Firstly I have quite full lips. Bright or dark lipstick makes them look bigger and my obvious. Secondly I have always hated the way my teeth look. Especially when I used to smile, so thought if I avoided bright lips I could avoid people looking at my teeth. 

Since having my brace on (only 2 weeks to go!) and as my teeth have become straighter I have felt more at ease with wearing brighter lip colours and actually think they really suit me! 

So the other day, after lots of research on the Internet and reading other peoples blogs and views I settled on this one. 

A photo of my YSL Rouge Volupte Shine lipstick in shade 5, Fushia in Excess

A photo of my YSL Rouge Volupte Shine lipstick in shade 5, Fushia in Excess

 It's the YSL Rouge Volupte Shine, shade 5 Fuschia in Excess £25

A photo of my YSL Rouge Volupte Shine lipstick in shade 5, Fushia in Excess

A photo of my YSL Rouge Volupte Shine lipstick in shade 5, Fushia in Excess
It's a deep pink, not quite raspberry but really lovely. This lipstick is very glossy as the name would suggest but still gives a really decent amount of colour pay off per swipe. 

A photo of my YSL Rouge Volupte Shine lipstick swatched on the back of my hand in shade 5, Fushia in Excess

A photo of YSL Rouge Volupte Shine lipstick in shade 5, Fushia in Excess on my lips

I was worried that this might be too similar to another lipstick I already have the Revlon Lip butter in Raspberry Pie but that one is actually darker and shock horror more of a raspberry pink. 

The Rouge Volupte Shine lipstick smells like tropical sweets. Ha. It lasts on the lips really well. Wearing down evenly all over the lips (you don't get any patchy bits where it disappears quicker) and actually lasts quite a while. I still had a good amount of colour from this after 4 hours of wear, even glossiness. I think this may even leave a small amount of stain on the lips. Not sure if this is just because this is a darker shade or if all shades have this effect.

Would I repurchase: Yes. I am already lusting after another shade!! 


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