Winter Wonderland

I went to the Winter Wonderland on Saturday. For anyone who doesn't know, this is an event that is held in Hyde park in London from now until January. Lots of different companies come together with lots of stalls, rides and attractions with all things Christmassy to get everyone in the festive mood. 

It's free to get in which is great as you can go for a wander to get you ready for Christmas. Then the attractions and rides are extra if you want to give them a go. 

We went to the magical ice kingdom first. And let me tell you. It was blooming freezing. Apparently they keep it at a constant temperature of -8c so that the ice sculptures don't melt. And my word, it was cold. It's not even that cold when I go skiing!! The sculptures were really impressive. Especially the ice castle that comes with its own ice slide out :)


I then discovered my new Christmas drink:
Baileys hot chocolate. A-ma-zing! So lush. We then grabbed a glass of mulled wine while half of our party when on the observation wheel. That thing was mahousive. As big as the London eye I'm sure. Well I'm terrified of heights so you wouldn't get me on that, but the others had fun. 

We then went to the circus! It was all acrobatics, clowns and a strong man named Hercules. The lady who did acrobatics on a hoop while flying through the air was my favourite. She was brilliant. 

Oh and watch out for the girls with the big balls. You will know what I mean. 

I had a thoroughly brilliant day out and am feeling super Christmassy. Just need to take my other half now so he will get in the festive mood too and want to purchase our first Christmas tree!!! 


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