Tinted eyelashes

Have you ever thought about having your eyelashes tinted but weren't sure what it involved or if it was worth it? Here are my thoughts and experiences. 

Right, first off. I love mascara. It has always been a staple make up product for me. I find it opens my eyes up and just makes me look so much more awake. 

I wear mascara pretty much every day, but sometimes I really don't want to. Either it's one of those days where you eyes feel irritated and you know at some point you're going to rub them without thinking and end up looking like a panda. Or it's a less make up day and you really can't be bothered!

But here is my issue. Even though I have brown hair, the ends of my eyelashes are blonde. So I kind of need a lick of mascara to even see them. So a few years ago the thought that perhaps I could dye the ends darker first popped into my mind.

I first tried an at home eyelash tinting kit yonks ago. And to be perfectly honest. I found it really hard to use. I was terrified I would get the dye in my eye and blind myself. Ha. So I was too light handed with the application as it didn't do a lot. I still have blonde eyelashes here and there. So earlier this year when I was going skiing and didn't want to be wearing mascara in the snow (waterproof mascara is so tricky to get off!), my Mum suggested going to have my eyelashes tinted by a beauty therapist. Hmmm. Did I really trust someone to be putting black stuff near my eyes?!? Well I went for it and was very pleased with the results. My eyelashes were dark. All the way to the ends! Top and bottom. Amazing. Now obviously they do not look as they would if I wore mascara. There is no added volume or length. But they are much more defined. Love it. Anyway, as I'm going on holiday next week I decided to treat myself and have them done again. 

This is a little walk through of the tinting treatment:

~ The therapist should ask you to go in at least 48 hours before your eyelash tint to have a patch test to check that you are not allergic to the dye. They will put a blob of dye behind your ear and ask you to check for irritating or itching over the next few hours. If everything is ok you are good to go. 

~ Right you will lie down and they will put semi circle pieces of cotton wool pads under each eye.

~ The therapist that does mine paints the dye onto my bottom lashes onto the cotton wool.

~ Then I close my eyes and she paints dye onto my top lashes (on top of the cotton wool).

~ Now I get to lie there and relax for say up to 10 mins.  I have to really try not to fall asleep! But the weird thing is that as you've been told to keep your eyes shut they seem to want to be open and twitch a little! Very peculiar feeling. Probably because you have bits of cotton wool under your eye. 

~ Then they remove the dye with some more cotton wool and ask you to slowly open your eyes. 

All very quick and easy. Oh, and I have always gone for the dye colour in blue black, which is the darkest one she has. There is also brown which I guess would be more subtle. 

I love having tinted lashes for holidays as it means they look defined when I'm in the pool too! 

Here are some photos the compare my normal and tinted lashes:

My au naturel eyelashes

My tinted eyelashes

 As you can see above, my eyelashes are naturally sooooo blonde. They are pretty much invisible!! 

Love this before and after as it makes me realise that getting them tinted is money well spent. 
I'm looking forward to my next holiday so I can justify treating myself again!

Does this make you think about tinting your eyelashes?


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