First wedding anniversary weekend in Padstow, Cornwall

I can't quite believe it but my first wedding anniversary has just happened. A whole year ago was the best day of my life. 

Luckily I have the most amazing husband in the world and when I asked him if we could do something nice for our anniversary he replied

"How do you know that I don't already have something planned..."

Secretive little bugger.

Well he wasn't kidding! "I've booked somewhere for dinner" turned into "you will need to pack an overnight bag". Whoopdedoo!!

Exciting stuff.

Well I packed, and we set off on the Friday afternoon, nothing programmed into the sat-nav. Every time we got to a big junction and didn't go one way I realised where it was that we weren't going!! My husband then let on it was going to be a long drive. I had joked that I hoped we weren't driving back to where we got engaged (Edinburgh)! It turned out that it wasn't much less distance wise!!!!!!!

We arrived in Padstow in the dark, which was quite exciting as had to wait until morning to see what the view from the hotel was like.

A photograph of Padstow, Cornwall

It wasn't disappointing, if a tad soggy! From the room in the hotel where we had breakfast you could see right out across the estuary. Unfortunately  the weather wasn't quite as good as it was a year ago (baking hot sunshine!) but we braced ourselves and made the most of it. 

We wandered around Padstow and looked in a few shops.

A photograph of Padstow, Cornwall

A photograph of Padstow, Cornwall

A photograph of Padstow, Cornwall

A photograph of Padstow, Cornwall

A photograph of Padstow, Cornwall

A photograph of Padstow, Cornwall

A photograph of Padstow, Cornwall
They got this right!
A photograph of a rose in Padstow

A photograph of a rose in Padstow

We then decided to walk down to the Lower beach. Luckily the tide was out otherwise there wouldn't have been a beach!! 

A photograph of Lower beach, PadstowA photograph of Padstow Estuary

A photograph of Lower beach, Padstow

A photograph of Lower beach, Padstow

A photograph of Lower beach, Padstow

 We found a cute cave on the way back.A photograph of Lower beach, Padstow

A photograph of a flower in Padstow

A photograph of a flower in Padstow

My husband then told me the reason that he choice Padstow (along with there being a restaurant there he had wanted to go to for ages) was the Camel trail. 

A photograph on the Camel Trail

The Camel Trail is a cycle path that runs alongside the estuary from Padstow through Wadebridge to Bodmin. He remembers this from his childhood and thought that I would enjoy cycling it. I have nothing against cycling per say, but the fear of being hit by a car puts me off it a little. Well other than a tiny bit in Wadebridge (where there are cycle lanes) it is all TRAFFIC FREE! Amazing. A whole 22mile round trip. 

A photograph on the Camel Trail

The trail is situated along the route of the disused railway line so travels through wooded areas, marshland and the coastal route. They have left many of the old station platforms which is quite fascinating.

A photograph on the Camel Trail

A photograph on the Camel Trail

A photograph on the Camel Trail

A photograph on the Camel Trail

A photograph on the Camel Trail

A photograph on the Camel Trail

There was absolutely tonnes of wild garlic growing along the trail. We could smell it as we cycled along.

A photograph of wild garlic on the Camel Trail

A photograph of wild garlic on the Camel Trail

Like I said earlier, my husband wanted to go for dinner at this restaurant in Padstow called Paul Ainsworth at No 6. Paul Ainsworth was on the Great British Menu a few years ago.

A photograph at Paul Ainsworth at No 6

A photograph at Paul Ainsworth at No 6

A photograph at Paul Ainsworth at No 6

A photograph at Paul Ainsworth at No 6

A photograph at Paul Ainsworth at No 6

Dinner was delicious and we had such a fabulous weekend in Cornwall. I do hope we get to go back again some day.


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