Moroccan Oil Vs Miracle Oil from Aldi

The condition of my hair seems to have gone from bad to worse over the past few years. Not only have a lost more than half of the volume due to ridiculous shedding, but it has lost it's vitality and glossiness. 

I have oily roots and very dry ends. Not helped by the fact that I dye my hair sometimes and it always lightens and drys out during the summer months, that have just come and gone. 

Anyway, about a year ago the next big beauty craze was hair oils. To begin with a wanted nothing to do with them due to the oiliness of my scalp and thought the oils would accentuate it. Well eventual after watching lots of YouTube videos and reading lots of blogs I decided to go for it.

I bought a teeny tiny bottle of the Moroccan oil. It seemed a fortune at like £12 for such a little bottle. But the second time I used it, just on the ends of my hair mind, and blow dried my hair "bouncy". What amazed me was the bounce and curled ends stayed in! Usually after a couple of hours everything has fallen out but the oil being there made such a difference to the styling. Not something I was expecting so a very nice surprise. And my hair looked conditioned and healthy. 

I was hooked on hail oil. 

Trouble is, Moroccan Oil is really expensive. So I needed to fine an alternative. I saw the blogger MissBudgetBeauty recommend Aldi's hair oil. Miracle oil so thought I'd try and pick up a bottle. 

The stuff smells just like dolly mixture sweets. Not offensive at all. It isn't as thick as Moroccan oil and is clear whereas the original oil is a deep yellow. 

The aldi is quite a good substitute but to be honest, I do prefer the Moroccan oil. I have found myself using this only for special occasions and the aldi one for day to day. 

Would I repurchase?: Yes. I already have the moroccan oil. I decided it would be more economical to get a large bottle, and the pump saves on waste too.


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