Glittery Christmassy Nails

I love painting my nails. 

I have done for a long time. I even remember having that old kind of nail polish for children that you could just peel off. 

Does anyone else remember that?! 

Anyway, I remember asking my Mum when I was little how come she was so good at painting her nails. Her answer has stayed with me since. Practice. And you know what, as usual, she was right! So that's what I did, practice. I'm still no expert but I think I would be a whole lot worse at painting nails if I hadn't tried and also practiced to do my right hand (I'm right handed so this is even harder!).

Recently I've been seeing a great deal of festive nails about. Reds and plums and loads berry colours. These are amazing and are what I am planning on doing next on my fingers. But before that, I fancied something a little different...

Something kind of snow and frost inspired. 

I watched a Youtube video yesterday from Essie with a kind of reverse french manicure and wanted to try it. I'm not overly impressed with my skills on this try but like the overall effect I've achieved. 

A photo of nails painted with a reverse french and glitter tips

 I first used Barry M Gelly in Lychee all over the nail.

A photo of nails painted with a reverse french and glitter tips

Then leaving a little gap applied Essie Penny Talk.

 A photo of festive nail polishes

A photo of a rose gold glitter nail polish

I love the effect this all gave. A lady in M&S complimented me on my nails asking where I had them done. They must look OK from a distance then!! Ha.

I will definitely try to get creative in the new year again with my nails.


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