Avon Nail Experts Gold Strength

My nails are a state. No really. 

They have never been wonderful. Always tending to be thin, bendy, flaky and ridged. Nice! 

This has always been the case. But I get to a point where I need to try and help them. I was talking with a colleague about nails etc and she said the Avon gold one is good. And it was also half price so I thought I would give it a whirl. 

It's the Avon Nail Experts Gold Strength £5. 

A photo of the Avon Nail Experts Gold Strength

A photo of the Avon Nail Experts Gold Strength

A photo of the Avon Nail Experts Gold Strength

What Avon say:

This strengthener helps make nails feel stronger and helps to hide nail ridges, making nails look smoother. Enriched with real gold for a natural looking glow.

When you apply it you can actually see the little sparkles in the bottle but to be honest these are so teeny tiny you hardly notice them on the nail. 

I have not given this a good try yet as I was going through a "must have colour on my nails" few weeks recently so there hasn't been a long enough trial period but so far so good. 


Sooooo. I have been applying this every couple of days to my nails (that might seem quite often but you can see where this has worn off the nails in patches) for say 2 weeks. 

And do you know what... It's defiantly done something! 

My nails feel much firmer. Before you could bend them over (gross I know) now there is still some give but they are improving! Also they suddenly seem really really long!! I gave in and painted them the other day as I fancied something pretty and bright on. And they look great! 

I think I will have to take off the polish and carry on with the strengthener for a little while longer as it seems to be helping. 

I can really recommend this with the results I have has so far. Especially if like me you suffer with bendy nails that tend to flake off in layers. 

Would I repurchase?: Yep. This is cheap and cheerful and does the trick.


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