Chelsea Flower Show 2016

I honestly thought I posted about this last year when I was lucky enough to visit the RHS Chelsea Flower Show in London, but apparently I didn't!

After getting married this month (!!!) I was back for the second time with my Mum and Mother-in-law for another visit. It was just as amazing this year and I got a little snap happy as you will see below. The weather was incredible today too so that just added to the atmosphere.

The gardens are always stunning but there seemed to be an awful lot of themes using white, purple and pink. These were the colours used for my wedding flower so are my favourite combo anyway.

My favourite garden this year was between two, but I just couldn't chose.

The Chelsea Barracks Garden and the St John's Hospice - A Modern Apothecary.

The Chelsea Barracks Garden was the first I saw, but it made a big impact on me. The stretches of lawn with full borders containing many roses that edge the path and river running through the entire space. I also like that the river represents an old lost river that used to run in this area.

What they said:  

"Roses, with perennial planting between, are a main feature of the garden. They refer to the listed Garrison Chapel, with its historic Rose Window, which is preserved as the development's centrepiece. The garden is a place where people can relax and socialise. A bronze sculpture pays tribute to the Barracks' former residents. A sculpted stone tidal rill references the lost River Westbourne, symbolising its original path under Chelsea Barracks. Bronze uprights form part of the boundary, beyond which the backdrop of the Royal Hospital can be glimpsed."

The Chelsea Barracks Garden
A photo of roses in the Chelsea Barracks Garden

A photo of thistle and bee in the Chelsea Barracks Garden

St John's Hospice - A Modern Apothecary garden was just so calm. Even with the crowds buzzing about it felt relaxing and like somewhere you would want to spend time. That's a big part of what a garden is surely?

They say: "The garden will feature research-based plants known to be beneficial to the health and well being of society. It is a small tranquil space with wellness at its heart. The experience of natural calm while walking along the lavender-lined path, towards the water feature, is enhanced by a pair of benches where one can sit, surrounded by scented plants in a place of stillness."
St John's Hospice - A Modern Apothecary
A photo of St John's Hospice - A Modern Apothecary

A photo of St John's Hospice - A Modern Apothecary

A photo of St John's Hospice - A Modern Apothecary

A photo of St John's Hospice - A Modern Apothecary

We wandered about all day admiring the different gardens and flowers. We even bumped into a few well known faces including Diarmuid Gavin who did the Harrods Eccentric Garden this year, and these two below!

Saw these two as well!

Love these white peonies

Orlaya Grandiflora - Got some seeds of this to grow myself! It was used in loads of the gardens this year!

Love these gates!

Loved this whirlpool water feature!

Can you spot the heart?

Raining Trees!


We found a lovely stall with a company called Real Flowers. They specialise in scented bouquets which I think is just amazing. Usuallywhen you have cut flowers these days for vases etc they just don't smell and its such a let down!

They even had a rose wall!!

Just around the corner we found this amazing caravan. I wouldn't mind camping in this! 

 It even has a bathroom trailer!!

Snowball bush!! I want one.

Love this really unusual hydrangea. The flower head is unlike any hydrangea i have ever seen before. The flower buds start out white and turn this beautiful baby blue.  

I found these chunky wooden swings a few years ago and when I have somewhere to hang one in the garden I am determined to get one!

Look at this flower chapel!


Chrysanthemum - Misty Lemon

My camera battery decided to die just as we had ventured inside the big tent thingy in the middle of the show, so the rest of my pictures are from my phone. Not horrendous quality though. 

Inside is where there are amazing displays of specific types of flower and mini gardens.

Ordered these tulips for next year. They are called "Honeymoon"

For future reference I would very much like a crumbling ruin in my garden
I liked the rose garden bit the best. 

Loved my day at the Chelsea flower show!!!


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