Eyebrow Threading Experience

So, I have just had my first personal experience of threading. 
My eyebrows that is!

For your information, I have never let ANYONE touch my eyebrows before today. And I'm 27 so that's quite something these days as most people have their eyebrows waxed or threaded. I guess I've always been scared of what might happen. That there might be an accident with the wax strip and I lose half my eyebrow, or they change the shape or make them too thin. 

I look back at the photos from about 7 years ago, which was during my time at university and just afterwards and think wow, I literally have no eyebrows. Ok, not quite but they were very very thin and I don't like how that looks on me. I like my eyebrows a bit bigger for more definition of my eyes. But as I've always plucked mine myself (everyday to be honest) I can get a tad over zealous and must stop myself from going crazy with the tweezers and ending up with no brows again!!


The past few weeks months I have been struggling more and more when doing my make up. I prefer using powder with a brush to fill in any gaps and to define my brows. This usually seems most natural but even this method was failing me. It was time to do something about it. 

I read beauty blogs and watch various YouTubers and found lots of them saying that when they were struggling with brows it was time to get them threaded.

I finally decided yesterday that's what I needed to do too.

I explained to the lady that I've not had them threaded before etc and that I wanted fuller brows still. Good job I said that I still want them to be full, otherwise I don't think I would have had any left! 

It's safe to say my eyebrows are now a lot thinner than before. No more Cara Delevingne brows for me. Ha. 

The process of threading though was excellent in my opinion. Very accurate. Not as painful as I had expected. It's kind of satisfying in a weird way, feeling all the stray hairs coming out. The one thing I didn't expect was that my eyes were absolutely streaming. Not sure why I didn't see this coming though as they usually water whenever I pluck my brows. 

When it was all finished I was a tad pink, but not too bad really. Although the next morning (when I am writing this) I do have a few sore looking patches still around my brows but perhaps if I put some aloe vera gel on they will settle down. 

All in all. A good experience. Very convenient and quick. I was only in the chair for 10 minutes. And not too painful in the scheme of things although I can only compare it to plucking.

Hopefully my new brows will get a good reception. Let's see shall we. 


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