LUSH Brazened Honey Fresh Face Mask

I popped into Lush the other day to treat myself to a bubble bar to take away on holiday (I knew there was going to be a bath!). I got chatting to the sales assistant who was lovely and put some of this mask on my hand. It smelt lovely and I have never tried one of the Lush fresh masks before so I treated myself! 

The one I tried is the LUSH Brazened Honey Fresh Face Mask. It's £6.50 for 75g. 

It's BRIGHT yellow! Even though it doesn't look it here.

This is what they say:

"Wake up your skin with this fresh face mask containing fresh fennel, ginger root, parsley and coriander to detox and stimulate. We use a sage, rosemary and juniperberry infusion with cardamom and clove bud oils for their antiseptic qualities, fresh lime juice to cleanse the skin and free range eggs, honey and almond oil to soothe and moisturise. Smooth a generous layer of this mask onto your face and leave for 10 to 15 minutes."

It's bright yellow (not that you can see from my photos!) with lots of grainy bits in it. 

It smells kind of sweet. I guess that's the honey. I wondered if this might be like the Good Things Manuka Honey Radiance Face Mask, but I think that I prefer the Lush one as its not as sickly smelling.

I left this on for about 20mins. Which in hindsight might have been too long as it suggested only to leave this on for 5-10 minutes. It went super dry and the little grainy bits started falling off. So not one to go around the house doing too much or you will keep losing bits of mask everywhere!

The pot can probably give you about 4 or even 5 masks, which I think is great value. It leaves my skin feeling smooth and calm, especially as it is cold when applied due to needing to be stored in a fridge.

Would I repurchase: Yes, but I might try another LUSH mask first!


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