Better You Magnesium Flakes Foot Soak

I don't know about you, but for my job I stand all day. 

Lots of people do this. They say it's better for you than sitting in an office at a computer all day. For your posture and your bum is less likely to squish etc. 

What it is not so good for is your feet. Especially if like me the floor you stand on is a solid stone one. I find that my legs actually swell up after being on my feet for 8 hours a day. Not sure if this happens with everyone, but I'm only twenty-something and have spoken to my collegues that are the same age and they also suffer with swollen legs.

Back to feet. My feet get very sore, and tired and achy.

I recently received this as a gift and wanted to try it at my earliest convinience.

It's the Better You Magnesium Flakes Foot Soak, £9.95 1kg bag.

A photo of Better You Magnesium Flakes

A photo of Better You Magnesium Flakes

What Better You say about Magnesium:

A body with sufficient magnesium will be more supple, will resist fatigue for longer and will be able to better repair itself.
Magnesium is a mineral that is difficult to supplement through traditional oral means. As it is a natural relaxant, too much in one go can have a laxative effect though the amount varies from individual to individual. 
Little but often is the key to magnesium supplementation and transdermal application, which is delivery via the skin, has been proven to be the most effective method outside the hospital environment. 
The pharmaceutical grade magnesium chloride hexahydrate is totally ionized for effective absorption and retention by the body, the solution feeds every cell and efficiently replaces magnesium lost through modern diet and pressured lifestyles.
Trials have shown that transdermal magnesium therapy can increase magnesium levels up to five times faster than traditional tablets or capsules. 
BetterYou uses Zechstein Inside magnesium chloride, mined in Northern Holland from a rich seam; one mile below ground and has been naturally condensed and purified for over 250 million years. As open water sources of magnesium contain elevated man-made pollutants and heavy metals, Zechstein Inside magnesium guarantees the most naturally pure source known.


Magnesium Flakes are a very gentle way to increase your body’s magnesium levels, simply add to a foot or body soak for the ultimate in relaxation.
For a foot soak
Dissolve 150g (equivalent to a tea cup) in warm water, immerse your feet and relax for 20 minutes or longer if desired
For a bath soak
Dissolve 250g (roughly equivalent to two cups) in a warm bath and relax for 20 minutes or longer to gain full body relaxation

It is advised that 2-3 magnesium rich baths are taken per week. Increase frequency as required.

A photo inside a pack of Better You Magnesium Flakes

When I soaked my feet in some warm water with these in, my feet felt tingly. I've heard that can happen as the magnesium is absorbed. My feet did actually feel a lot better and much more relaxed after soaking in the magnesium.

I think I may actually be deficient in magnesium in general as I often get achy legs and cramps in my calves. Especially when I'm sleeping. It's awful actually, I get woken up because of a dreadful pain in my calf. The muscle has contracted of its own accord and gone solid. Luckily it doesn't happen that frequently but when it does its horrid.

I might have to buy a big bag of these!

I am definitely going to try to remember to do a foot soak more frequently to treat my poor tired tootsies!

Would I repurchase?: Yes I will


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