Urban Garden 2

Remember back in November 2013 when I moved into my own little place in the big bad city and needed my own little bit of green...

Well my original "Urban Garden" went surprisingly well!

A photo of the cyclamen plant in my window box

It was glorious for a good few months. The cheeky daffodils I hid under the purple Cyclamen popped up in Spring and were gorgeous and made me feel very proud that what I had planned back in the deep dark of winter had worked. 

A photo of the cyclamen and daffodil flowers in my window box

Unfortunately... after the daffs went over, I kind of, might have... forgotten to carry on watering the box.


So everything went very dry and crispy. But not one to be put off easily, I knew that I needed to recreate as soon as possible. And as soon as the weather would allow. 

It's been raining VERY hard and a lot for a few weeks (odd that my box is so dry right?!?) so I wanted to wait until I had at least seen the sunshine to make the effort.

I have finally gotten my bottom into gear. I needed a nice day to try and find this garden centre that is nearish to me. I knew in an ideal world that I wanted to have Verbena and Begonia plants. Luckily they had some. Not the largest selection in the world, but I got some nice ones. Some beautiful double headed begonias which my mum sometimes has in the front trough at home so they remind me of her and are so easy to look after. Just water and keep deadheading and they give you loads of blooms (fingers crossed!). The other thing I got were two different kinds of verbena. Both purple tones, one solid colour, the other a variegated (is that what I mean?!) kind that I love. I prefer it in pink and white but they didn't have that one. Like this picture below:

A photo of a verbena flower in my garden at home

The window box looks a bit bare at the moment, but I am hoping it will fill out as baskets and pots usually do. If not, I can always pop some other bits in the gaps.

I'm feeling so much happier now I have something healthy and pretty to not only look out at, but to greet me when I arrive home from work!!

Hope you like it too :)

A photo of the verbena and begonia flowers in my window box

Urban Garden 2A photo of the verbena and begonia flowers in my window box

Urban Garden 2A photo of the verbena and begonia flowers in my window box

A photo of the verbena and begonia flowers in my window box

A photo of the verbena and begonia flowers in my window box

A photo of the verbena and begonia flowers in my window box

A photo of the verbena and begonia flowers in my window box

UPDATE: So even though my little window box has been doing well ( dispite the damn greenfly attacking it!) and has filled out a tad I still feel that it looks a bit empty. So today I stopped at a garden centre and picked up a trio of trailing surfina. The flowers look like pertunias. 

So here it is a few weeks ago:

And now!

Isn't it amazing how much it's grown in a few weeks. The new flowers are the pink ones. I've put them at the back the full it out and give some depth. It also makes it much prettier from inside! Look...


  1. The window box looks lovely. Well done and hope the flowers blooooooom! M x


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