Flower garden

I took some photographs in the garden the other day. Even though I'm only twenty-something, I really do enjoy not only being in the garden (especially when we are having the sort of weather we have been having recently! Sunshine I love you) but for the past couple of years I've really gotten into gardening. It's my parents influence, but I think green fingers are in the family as my Grandparents have a beautiful garden. Anyway, while I am still living at home I've really enjoyed helping out in the garden here and I can honestly say it is lovely watching plants and flowers grow and come to life as they come into bloom after all the care and attention you have put in over the season. I can honestly say it is so satisfying. And I am still in awe of the beauty of nature and what it can create. Some of the flowers we have at the moment coming into flower are so pretty they just don't look real! So I took some pictures, but I don't think they really do them justice. 

A photo of a pale yellow fragrant evening primrose
Fragrant Evening Primrose

Our Lavatera plants

Lavateria flowers

A photo of a fountain of flowers
Our "Fountain" of flowers

A photo of a striped white and pink Verbena flower
I don't think this flower looks real its so beautiful

Pretty  :)


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