Snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops Bennington Lordship

Really sorry - I wrote this a few weeks months ago but still wanted to share!

It's that time of year when spring is almost sprung. Plants are popping up everywhere. I love it! Seeing things growing again and new beginnings.

There is a place nearby called Bennington lordship that is part of the national garden scheme and advertised that they have snowdrops at the moment. I had to have a look for myself.

I have never seen so many snowdrops in one place! It also amazed me that there are so many different kinds and varieties! 

I thought a snowdrop was a snowdrop!!

What do I know! Clearly I still have a lot to learn about flowers!

Photograph of snowdrops Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops Bennington Lordship

We wandered around the grounds of the manor house. Even after it had started to drizzle the snowdrops still looked beautiful. So delicate and fresh. The lawns around the remains of the norman castle are carpeted with them.

This double variety was my favourite. 

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of the gardens at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of the gardens at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops in the walled garden at Bennington Lordship

We meandered through the gardens and even found the walled garden where they are nurturing new snowdrops in cold frames. They have over 200 varieties here, all delicately labeled.

Photograph of walled garden at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of walled garden at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of walled garden at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of gardens at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of flowers at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops growing at Bennington Lordship

Photograph at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of walled garden at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of labelled snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

I would love to visit the garden again in the summer as there were stunning paintings in the tearoom showing a rather magnificent herbaceous border! 

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of snowdrops at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of the gardens at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of the gardens at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of the gardens at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of the gardens at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of the gardens at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of the gardens at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of the gardens at Bennington Lordship


Photograph of the gardens at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of the gardens at Bennington Lordship

Photograph of the gardens at Bennington Lordship

Entry to Bennington lordship is £5 for adults, Children under 16 £2, Children under 12 Free.
Snowdrops are there 8th February - 5th March 12-4pm.


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