Kew Gardens

I succeeded in visiting somewhere I have had on my to-do list for quite a long time.

This place is Kew Gardens. 

I love flowers, plants, gardens etc so thought I would like it here, but have never had the opportunity to go. 

My mum and I were in London the other day, had nothing specific planned, the weather was pretty amazing for England, so we decided to go!

What I hadn't really realised is that it is actually a massive park!! The guide there said around 121 hectares! That's huge. 

There are the greenhouses which are a couple of hundred years old, with spectacular tropical plants and palms. It's beautiful. 

The gardens at Kew are the Royal Botanic Gardens. They were founded back in 1759

Anyway, a photo tells a thousand words...

This is the Waterlily House. 
Look at the size of those lily pads!!

The entrance to the palm house. 

These roses smelt AMAZING. Just like Turkish delight!

Then this cheeky chap came to pay us a visit!


This was the cutest thing. A goose has obviously decided that this particular plant pot, right out in the open, would be the best place to make her nest. 

She just looks so cute, don't you think?!?

Right, now I have suffered with a fear of heights since I was little. This must come from my Dad as my Mum loves heights and the views you get being high up. Anyway my new(ish) job has kind of forced me to be better when faced with being high up so I said we should try and venture up to the high viewing platform. It's built 18 metres up, so you are walking at the top of the trees. 

Quite amazing really. 

Even if I did cling on to my Mum for dear life the whole walk round, it's a leap in the right direction with regard to my phobia. 

Copyright Kew Gardens


  1. Great photos Miss Ali! What a lovely place-you must have had a great day.


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